Magnifying Glass Library Editions:

The Magnifying Glass Library Editions are one of my favorite library editions. The boards come in various colors--red, green, orange, brown, and blue. On the cover centered in black/white is the picture for the book which is a copy of the art from the dust jackets/picture covers--all Russell Tandy or Bill Gillies cover art. The way the cover art is framed gives you a feeling like you are looking into a picture or a window to see the scene that is going on--the square is bordered by a frame. For example, the two volume #16, The Clue of the Tapping Heels editions I have use the Russell Tandy first cover art scene. These have the original texts inside.

The spine features a white circle with a black line drawing profile of Nancy--like those spine symbols in color used on some wrap dust jackets and all picture covers.

The back cover is why I call these the 'magnifying glass' editions. There is a black magnifying glass with scenes from 3 Nancy Drew® volumes--#2, The Hidden Staircase, second art by Bill Gillies, #23, The Mystery of the Tolling Bell, first art by Russell Tandy, and #26, The Clue of the Leaning Chimney, first art by Russell Tandy.

Some library editions have turned up which I call 'non-magnifying glass' library editions. They are identical to the magnifying glass editions in every way except they lack the magnifying glass on the back cover. I combine these on the same page here with the magnifying glass editions.

I am not certain as to the dates of these editions. Since some carry original cover art on the covers like Tapping Heels, they are likely circa pre-picture cover. Either that or the printer/publisher of these liked some of the original art and texts! Below, #3, a brown magnifying glass edition, has the digger endpapers for further dating information.

As well as the non-magnifying glass editions there are a monochromatic non-magnifying glass edition that have the art on the cover in the same color as the rest of the boards with black ink outlining and these are identical to the regular non-magnifying glass editions except for the monochromatic scheme. Interesting to note, the monochromatic Larkspur Lane pictured below has the Tandy art and the revised text!

Click below on the sample library edition thumbnail images for a larger view of each volume.

Magnifying Glass Editions:

1 3 13

16 17

19 28

Non-Magnifying Glass Editions:

1 2 9 *

20 24

Non-Magnifying Glass Monochromatic Editions:

10 31

* Scan of #9 non-magnifying glass edition above is from Lisa McGuirk

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