Nancy Drew Collectibles to Collect

Nancy Drew collectibles are very widespread. There are collectibles based on the 1930s movies starring Bonita Granville such as lobby cards. There are collectibles based on the books such as the Nancy Drew Mystery Game by Parker Brothers. Finally, there are collectibles based on the T.V. series of the 1970s and 1990s including puzzle books and greeting card kits. One thing is for sure--the collecting obsession starts with the books and then ends up with just about everything else--games, puzzles, dolls, record sets, Halloween costumes and more.

Below are the various key website sections of collectibles to collect, click on the images to check them out:

1930s & 2007 Movie Collectibles

Book related Collectibles

'70s, '90s, & 2002 T.V. Show Collectibles

Modern Collectibles & Merchandise

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